How to know when to kiss a girl - The little signs she gives away - EXCELLENTKIT Your No1 Music Hub




Thursday, 1 March 2018

How to know when to kiss a girl - The little signs she gives away

But, in all honesty, this comes with time. But, you’re probably thinking, I don’t have time, I’m picking her up for dinner in twenty minutes! Okay, okay, I hear you. Just breathe. You need to know what to do and you need to know fast. Well, this is why I’m here.
I’m going to let you know how to know when to kiss a girl. It’s not that hard, but you need to make sure you pay attention to the signs because they’re there. Usually, they’re really obvious. But if you’re nervous, it’s easy to overlook them. Just breathe, you’ll get the hang of it.

1 If you ask her and she says yes. Now, there are some moments when she leans into you and heads straight for your lips. And if she kisses you first, then you know she wanted to. But asking her if you can kiss her is cute and, honestly, sexy. If you think it kills the mood, it won’t. If she’s into you, she’ll think it’s sweet and considerate.

2 When she’s relaxed with you. I mean this in a specific way. If she hugs you and you pull back to kiss her and she’s tense and restraining herself, then she doesn’t want it. But if you pull back and she’s looking at you, her body relaxed, it’s a good sign. If you feel like you force her to kiss you, it’s because you are. In that case, stop.

3 When she goes for it. Not all girls make the first move, but plenty of them will be the ones to lean in for the kiss first. Of course, it’s hot when the girl makes the first move and gives you relief since you know she’s interested for sure. Then, you have full range to continue kissing her unless she tells you to stop.

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